Big Debate on Regional Arts

Along with a rash of festivals we seem to be having an epidemic of debates at the moment. When I first saw this I assumed it was part of the Arts Council’s Arts Debate but The Big Debate Birmingham turns out to have a wider remit and is organized by the NEC Group and the Birmingham Post with previous debates being about Congestion Charging and the question of what exactly a City Region is. I’d have liked to have been there for that one if only to try and get an answer in English.

But the next one is relevant to this blog asking the question “Is there life in the regional arts?”

As the centrepiece of this year’s New Generation Arts Festival, The Big Debate will explore the health of Britain’s regional arts scene and question the perceived cultural hegemony of London. This event is designed to provoke wide-ranging debate across a broad spectrum of interests, including business, politics and local communities.

On the panel are Christopher Frayling (Chair of Arts Council), Germaine Greer, Anthony Sargent (The Sage Gateshead), Terry Grimley (The Birmingham Post) and Richard Morrison (Chief Culture Critic for The Times)

The debate takes place at the ICC Hall 5 on Monday 18th June from 4.30 – 6.30pm. That’s next Monday. Kinda short notice really. I’m pretty sure it’s free but you need to register.

Given the panel and context this could be a really interesting event, as long as twattery from the floor is kept to a minimum. I’m always tempted to bring a fog horn along to these sorts of things for when the inevitable knob-end asks something long winded and pointless. But we can always hope for sanity.


  1. Me, right? You’re talking about me.

    Fear not. My ‘questions guy’ routine will not feature at this particular event.

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