Write for CiB

Created in Birmingham has been running for 6 months now and in that time it’s become apparent that the scope of this project is beyond the capacity of one man (ie me). So it’s time to expand the remit somewhat. Originally I didn’t want to run reviews here as it would give the blog the … [Read more…]

Let’s Start A Campaign

Background (Thrown together using Google Image Search and Photoshop. If someone with actual skillz in this department wants to have a go please do!)

Mixed Media view

With the New Generation Arts starting next week there are more launches and views happening than normal. Or maybe they’re just getting more publicity. Whatever the logic, Mixed Media is a keen looking one happening tomorrow evening that has a lot of artists in one place. These artists to be exact: Chris Clinton (Painting) Greg … [Read more…]

Stephen Farley Spurts

Now that’s a great title. Painting from the other side of an optical injury, Stephen Farley affirms his legacy of rekindling an extra-sensory relationship with the viewer inviting exploratory touch. Each intensively embellished work portrays a slice of translucent texture that hints at an altered perspective, giving us a unique insight into a remote but … [Read more…]


The current Radio to Go podcast is a Rootsville special with interviews, music from the performers and some exclusive live material from Chrissy Van Dyke. Interesting to note that Rootsville is getting a lot of support from the various online presences in Birmingham. Direct MP3 link. Friends of the Stars, a musical band, have a … [Read more…]

A Quiet Digbeth

One of the good things about gig venues in Digbeth is they don’t have to worry about the neighbours, because there aren’t any. A gig in, say, the Jug of Ale in Moseley in the summer months can resemble a sweat lodge thanks to noise pollution restrictions keeping the windows shut but the Barfly can … [Read more…]

Sunprint tryptich

From Gareth Courage Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.