
  • The Sound in the Round programme of open air events at the MAC has been released. Lots of interesting looking stuff there including Hayseed Dixie (!!), Badly Drawn Boy, Dreadzone, Nina Nastasia and more.
  • 7 Inch Cinema, the local champions of the odd in the motion picture realm, send out a regular newsletter chock full of tasty news and tips. It really should be on their site somewhere as a blog (hint bloody hint), but in the meanwhile I’m going to start archiving them here. 7 Inch June 2007.
  • Shoot Nations is a “Global Youth Photography Competition” for 11 – 24 year olds from around the globe. The prizes, to be honest, aren’t that hot but the resulting exhibition will tour London, Berlin, Madrid, Dakar and Delhi.
  • Aparently tickets for Supersonic are selling fast. (I really should have waited until I got mine before telling you that…) If you’re not sure what Supersonic is all about RussL does a handy primer.