Appearances Excused

Rather neatly tying in with Rootsville in the Custard Factory this weekend are a couple of art events at Ikon Eastide, the off-site gallery space run by the Ikon on Heath Mill Lane in Digbeth, just down the road from the Custard Factory. Please Excuse Our Appearance is a two week residency where “artists from … [Read more…]

Silver Footed Gig Guide

Laura’s gig listings are up. Every week the Silver Footed Gig Slut does what the local live music industry seems utterly incapable of doing and prepares a gig guide that covers all the small venues and contains links to the bands in question. And she does this off her own back for no reward. Y’all … [Read more…]

Review: How To Improve The World

I finally got around to checking out the How To Improve The World exhibition at the Gas Hall and it’s a quite wonderful thing. A little slice of Tate carefully curated and positioned in Birmingham that manages to educate and entertain without patronizing the viewer or the art itself. The theme of the show is … [Read more…]

Music by Candelight

Rich Batsford plugs the Music by Candlelight concert at St Marys Church, Moseley on Thursday 28th as part of Mozfest. I’ll be playing a twenty minute set of my piano music, probably at the start, followed by a selection of madrigals from the all-girl medieval vocal group Stella Maris, who were a definite highlight of … [Read more…]

Slow News Day?

Is it me or is it really quiet at the moment? Usually on Monday mornings I get a slew of news in my various news receiving portals but so far this week very little. If I’m not careful I’m going to have to actually seek some out, maybe even make my own. And we can’t … [Read more…]

NGA Reports

Too often with events in the city when they’re over there’s no motivation to record what happens, presumably because those involved are completely wiped out by the efforts of actually putting on the darn thing, not to mention moving on to projects new. So it’s nice to see reports starting to trickle into the New … [Read more…]

The Birmingham Tunnel

From Stephen D Harper Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.