Architecture Week Catalogue

Here comes another festival, hot on the heals of the last one. Keeping track of all this stuff is getting to be a full time job! Architecture Week starts on Friday 15th and runs until the 25th. There’s a load of stuff going on all over the city on the theme of How Green Is … [Read more…]

inside outside

From tina_manthorpe Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Stuff and Nonsense at the Museum

The Museum of Lost Heritage are the lovely people who opened up the old Science Museum on Newhall St last year prior to its demolition. As well as giving access to a lovely piece of Birmingham history they also had a couple of artists work with the detritus left after the move to ThinkTank. Here … [Read more…]

Xtreme Launches

Like a damn fool I put the launch night of the Festival of Xtreme Building in my diary as happening tonight. It happened last night. I missed it. By all accounts it went really well. The banner was revealed. Here’s a photo of it from Nunovo: And the BBC gave it loads of coverage across … [Read more…]


Concreation is an overdue but still timely “celebration of the unloved architecture of an unromantic city – Birmingham’s post war buildings” Concreation is a loose group of visual artists inspired by the post war architectural landscape of the city in which we live. Some people think it’s a bit grotty, some people think it should … [Read more…]