
Interesting article on KR-36, the “urban interactive game” that’s part of The Event currently taking place in Birmingham. It also gives a bit of insight into what The Event is all about. Charting the rise in artistic anthropology in Birmingham, the BCAF (Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum) have organised The Event to document what has been … [Read more…]

Kate Pemberton

I’d been meaning to post about Kate Pemberton for a while now and seeing her High Church of Gaming (above) on sale at the Birmingham Open kicked me into touch. From her site: Kate’s practice addresses the cultural effects that technology has on society, by examining the influence of the machine and of digital technologies. … [Read more…]

Build a Reputation with YouTube

While the event itself doesn’t really come under the remit of this blog I think this video publicising the Epic Skate Park Beer Festival that was posted on YouTube is really interesting. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for people putting on events is, I think, reputation. If you have a big name draw or … [Read more…]

New Music Feature

One thing that I’ve been struggling with on this blog is how best to report on Birmingham’s music scene. Not only is there an astoundingly huge number of bands but I’m also unashamedly biased about which ones I like and I’m not about to spend half an hour researching some wannabe Libertines clone or whathaveyou … [Read more…]

104 Films

Chris Keenan (previously profiled here) mentions on his great-but-buried-away blog that he’s been doing some stills photography on the shoot of a new film Special People, which leads me to discover 104 Films, a production company based in Solihull who have a rather impressive showreel. Special People is a feature length extension of a well … [Read more…]

Betty and the Id

I haven’t seen Betty and the Id play and I only know the tracks offa their MySpace page but I’m intrigued enough to give them a post, especially as they’ve got a gig this Friday 6th at the Jug of Ale. Quality quirk in the manner that Birmingham excels at. It also gives me a … [Read more…]

The Spending Review

I don’t pretend to be an expert on the whys and wherefores of arts funding but over the last few months I’ve picked up a general sense that there’s likely to be some cuts in the offing. This was all slightly crystalized in the current newsletter from the Arts Council West Midlands (emailed in Word … [Read more…]


Tom Tebby, trading as Plimsoul, is a graphic artist and photographer based in Moseley whose work you’ve probably seen on various flyers over the last few years for the likes of Factory and others. His stark and contrasty style mashes up photographs and technical drawings to great effect. Check out his gallery for the good … [Read more…]