New Music Feature

One thing that I’ve been struggling with on this blog is how best to report on Birmingham’s music scene. Not only is there an astoundingly huge number of bands but I’m also unashamedly biased about which ones I like and I’m not about to spend half an hour researching some wannabe Libertines clone or whathaveyou … [Read more…]

104 Films

Chris Keenan (previously profiled here) mentions on his great-but-buried-away blog that he’s been doing some stills photography on the shoot of a new film Special People, which leads me to discover 104 Films, a production company based in Solihull who have a rather impressive showreel. Special People is a feature length extension of a well … [Read more…]

Betty and the Id

I haven’t seen Betty and the Id play and I only know the tracks offa their MySpace page but I’m intrigued enough to give them a post, especially as they’ve got a gig this Friday 6th at the Jug of Ale. Quality quirk in the manner that Birmingham excels at. It also gives me a … [Read more…]

The Spending Review

I don’t pretend to be an expert on the whys and wherefores of arts funding but over the last few months I’ve picked up a general sense that there’s likely to be some cuts in the offing. This was all slightly crystalized in the current newsletter from the Arts Council West Midlands (emailed in Word … [Read more…]


Tom Tebby, trading as Plimsoul, is a graphic artist and photographer based in Moseley whose work you’ve probably seen on various flyers over the last few years for the likes of Factory and others. His stark and contrasty style mashes up photographs and technical drawings to great effect. Check out his gallery for the good … [Read more…]


Shepherding the links… 4Talent interviews filmmaker Mark Locke animate!tv seeks proposals from UK-based artists and animators for risk-taking and experimental films for television. Five films will be commissioned, with budgets up to 20k. The deadline is 27 April. More details at the link. Edgbaston-based Ditto Music came to notice in January when they helped unsigned … [Read more…]

Creative Birmingham W1

You might not be aware of it but Birmingham has an embassy, if you like, in central London. Birmingham W1 is an office just off Piccadilly (map) which aims to give Birmingham businesses and representatives a base within the capital close to national government and the media. Digital Central have set up a deal whereby … [Read more…]

Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit?

Whatever Happened to Pete Blaggit? is a new feature film from Sepia Films, a local independent production company run by filmmaker Mark Jeavons. Filmed entirely in Birmingham the trailer has recently been released. Naturally Pete Blaggit has a MySpace page and the film is listed on IMDb. Also of note is the film’s composer Phil … [Read more…]