
Dave Hart digests another impenetrable strategy document and throws out an interesting fact: “Stat Three: We’re growing faster than the economy as a whole. Hang on, that last one is kind of true but if you look closely you’ll find that growth in the creative industries is like a rollercoaster, sorry I mean its cyclical. … [Read more…]

The Metal Article

The Metal Symposium, which took place at the Walsall Art Gallery on the Friday of Supersonic, was quite excellent though unfortunately all the ideas and thoughts it generated in my head were smashed to pulp by the subsequent festival. Thank heavens, then, for this New Statesmen article where Daniel Trilling takes the themes and runs … [Read more…]

Competition Time has a couple of competitions of interest to photographers and drummers respectively. Summer of Love is run in conjunction with St Paul’s Gallery‘s exhibion of Karl Ferris’ work. Karl Ferris, the father of Psychedelic photography, is holding his one and only 40th anniversary of the Summer Of Love Exhibition – The Karl Ferris Experience, … [Read more…]


At the Fierce launch party I noticed a banner by the entrance. It was about 5ft high and covered in the logos of all the agencies, sponsors and other organsations who had funded the festival. It stood as a testament to the work Fierce had done in making the festival possible but it was also … [Read more…]


The current issue of clubbing newspaper Night Times, which you can pick up at ticket outlets, record shops and groovy cafes, has a very excitable article about the Que Club re-opening (previously). Not much non-clubbing news (as you’d expect) but they do have some photos of what the hall looks like now. By the gods … [Read more…]

Brumcast Interview

Neat video interview with Little Chris, the power behind Brumcast, now on its 61st episode. Interesting how he fell into doing what he does through sheer enthusiasm rather than any global domination plans. I can relate.

Creative Republic seeks Ambassador

Creative Republic “is the new representative body for the creative and cultural industries in Birmingham and the West Midlands. Created by members of the industry it seeks to promote the wealth of creative excellence within Birmingham’s cultural sector. Its membership will be open to all people working in the creative and cultural industries in the … [Read more…]