
  • Dave Hart digests another impenetrable strategy document and throws out an interesting fact: “Stat Three: We’re growing faster than the economy as a whole. Hang on, that last one is kind of true but if you look closely you’ll find that growth in the creative industries is like a rollercoaster, sorry I mean its cyclical. Actually its pro-cyclical. When the economy dips we dip big-time and when it grows we grow big, big-time.”
  • Viggy La Q visits the Paula Rego etchings exhibition at the Waterhall Gallery and is impressed. (The BM&AG site appears to still be screwed though. Sort it out folks.)
  • If you’ve ever wondered what a test screening is like you can find out at the MAC on August 1st where they’ll be testing out Clubbed, a new feature film set in 80s Coventry. Email or telephone 0121 265 7120 for free tickets.