Follow Me Down

Poppy And The Jezebels are moving fast, or maybe I’m just too old to keep up. They’ve got an album out (pictured above) which you can buy in shops or from Amazon and there’s a wee feature on BBC Birmingham including a short video report.


Island Bar has a new music night . Friday Night Live starts this week (27th) with Sabotage Left, Fillmore Gears & The Drowners. As well as this weekly event, Sunset Cinema Club, who are a band rather than a club, will be running their, um, club – Tropical Hotdog Night – on the first Friday … [Read more…]

4Talent Awards

The deadline for the 4Talent Awards (previously known as Creative Class) is on August 1st. The 4Talent Awards are all about new talent. They are: Completely free to enter. Open to anyone unstoppably creative… …provided you’re under 30 on 31/12/07. Tipped for great things, a Top 20 will be whittled down by an expert panel … [Read more…]

Podcasting News

Recordings of the last two Pub Conversations (previously blogged here) have been added to their podcast, being a chat between Ryan Gander and Bedwyr Williams and another between Becky Shaw and Steven Eastwood. I attended the latter and found it to be very good brain food so I recommend giving them a listen. Gary Dring … [Read more…]


Blogger Hydragenic waxes lyrical about the Editors album cover. “I draw your attention to the brooding, ominous colouring, the minimal stateliness of the typeface and the spectral, otherworldly image of the gasometer, the delicacy of its filigree structure contrasting with its vast industrial blankness.” Congrats to Steve and Evelyne Gerrard on the birth of their … [Read more…]

The Machine Is Us

I’ve noticed this blog gets a bit of a traffic spike on Fridays which is not too surprising as nobody wants to work on Fridays. Well, some people do. They’re the ones who make up the other traffic spike on Mondays I guess. So given there might be a number of hangovers about after the … [Read more…]

The Power Fifty

The Birmingham Post’s Power Fifty was announced yesterday listing those judged to have power and influence in the region. While as a neurotic boy outsider I have an instinctive distain for such enterprises it’s an interesting list given the dominance of the creative sector above the more traditional business and sport. As Stef Lewandowski (number … [Read more…]