Interview with Soweto Kinch

For the first in our new series of interviews/podcasts we were lucky enough to be welcomed into Soweto Kinch’s flat for tea, Jaffa Cakes and chat. The driving force behind The Flyover Show – taking place under the Hockley Flyover on Saturday 31 May with big-name guests from the worlds of hip hop and jazz … [Read more…]


Hello, As Pete mentioned, I’m Danny and I will be your guest blogger for a while, I will be trying to give you all the Birmingham friendly creative news that I find, although my main priority will be not screwing up like deleting the internet, getting Pete sued into the ground, or accidentally starting a … [Read more…]

James Nash interview

Triffic two part interview with cartoonist James Nash (Personally It’s a joy to see someone from the Gary Panter / Matt Brinkman school working in the region.)

Envy and Other Sins FTW

Missed it at the time, but Envy and Other Sins won that Mobile Act Unsigned compo in December getting them a contract with A&M. Cat Bray at 4Talent did a nice big interview with them. Well done, chaps!

Interview with Joel Wilson

Nice interview with Joel Wilson aka rapper Joel the Custodian on the predominantly American Music Mamma’s blog. Here’s the Brum-specific bit: What is the current music scene like there in Birmingham? Birmingham, the city that spawned Black Sabbath [and recently the Editors and the Streets] has over 1 million inhabitants. Despite the wealth of creativity … [Read more…]