2010 Year in Review: February

February started on a low note with news of funding cuts to the arts and culture sector. Boo.

British Dance Edition took over the city, the Custard Factory waved goodbye to the Factory ClubFierce relaunched their Platinum scheme and I wrote a post that went on to be seen by HRH Charlie Windsor himself.

We announced how to get involved with the CiB shop and Film Dash 2010 happened. Birmingham made the shortlist for the 2013 City of Culture, the Ikon’s blackboard caught my eye and so did an ace homage to The Wire by a shop in Moseley.

Friction Arts presented their work in South Africa, the MAC’s return was announced, Dave Gaskarth got a nice profile in Creative Review and there was a lot of music-related chat going on.

We gave CiB a bit of TLC, with a make over and, near the end of the month and after a flurry of activity, the CiB shop opened, kicking off three months of madness.

Reading the blurbz

(Photo by Katchooo)