Lewes’ Gilded Mountain

Lewes Herriot has been consistently uploading art to his Dark Inventory blog for months now and deserves another mention. This one’s title’s The Gilded Mountain: His artwork is for sale and he welcomes inquiries for bespoke design for album sleeve, book cover design and posters.

Graphic Auteurs

The Graphic Auteur – Expressive Graphic Design is a show at the BIAD Department of Art on Margaret St curated by David Osbaldestin and Paul Slocombe. The Graphic Auteur presents a diverse range of creative approaches and graphic responses, to contemporary graphic design and politics. Through a series of personal issue-based communications and expressive graphic … [Read more…]

James Nash

He’s from Wolverhampton but I won’t hold that against him. There’s a small portfolio on Dazed Digital and here’s his MySpace I also understand he’s involved with the Colour night at the Quadrant Lounge in Wolverhampton, which has me somewhat intrigued. “The primary space for music and thought in Wolves” they call it. Really must … [Read more…]

Promoting Thyself

The Fine Art of Saying “Hello” was a presentation given by TAK! to young illustrators on how they might promote themselves. In a smart piece of meta-promotion Dom’s put the PDF of the talk online so everyone else can benefit from it. This act is an example of something I’m very much in favour of … [Read more…]

Cure Zone

If I was being cruel I’d say the title of the latest exhibition to take place at Curzon St Station is an indication of some shark jumping, but I’m not and it looks pretty cool. The Cure Zone is: An exhibition by a group of international visual communicators. Fusing ideas of European, Asian, North and … [Read more…]

Jane Anderson

Watch – Pencil on linen Jane Anderson is an multidisciplinary artist who frequently uses paint, pencil and digital-based media, to explore themes around identity. […] Jane has also run workshops in education & business settings for clients such as the BBC. She has curated several exhibtons to date and is a founder of Periscope (Birmingham … [Read more…]