The Midlands Loves You

From the Midlands with Love is a postcard book put together by BCU’s Media Content Lab brought to our attention by TAK! (who have a card in it). Media Content Lab felt that too much of the design world’s attention is focused on a handful of London companies, so decided to do something about it. … [Read more…]


Simon Peplow has produced the 18th issue of Amok, “a series of zines produced purely to showcase the work of artists, illustrators and designers who’s work excites us.” Available here for £3.00.

Lucy McLauchlan’s new site and London show

In a somewhat natural development the Beat 13 website has been completely taken over by Lucy McLauchlan showcasing her paintings and selling her prints. I particularly like the scrapbook page showing the wide variety of mediums and situations her work has appeared in. She also has her first solo London show, Expressive Deviant Phonology, starting … [Read more…]

Dave Hilliard

The Whining Wench draws my attention to Dave Hilliard. He’s an artist and here he is with some of his art. That photo was taken from a long-ish interview conducted by Thomas Moronic earlier in the year. Worth a read.

Captioned Pictures at the Library

Picked up a rather strange looking flyer the other day for an exhibition at the Central Library called More Captioned Pictures by Robert Geoghegan. It’s on the 3rd floor in the Arts and Lit dept and runs until the end of the month.