Eye Candy 2015 – Call out for artists, illustrators, designers and makers

The next Eye Candy, Birmingham’s festival of illustration, graphics, art and design takes place in October. The Eye Candy team are currently looking for ideas around exhibiting, live works, workshops, talks and installations. So if you are involved in the disciplines above, and have an exciting idea or amazing work that has to be shared, … [Read more…]

Digbeth First Friday

These Digbeth First Fridays don’t ‘arf come round quickly. March is already upon us and the evening of the 6th sees Digbeth once again come alive with all sorts of happenings: Rather than queuing half an hour for a piece of meat in a bun on the other side of Digbeth, why not visit the … [Read more…]

The Welcome Party

How can Birmingham shout louder about culture? A group of young people who are part of the Creative Agency project at mac birmingham are asking the creative community to come together for The Welcome Party to try and find out how we can do better. Organised by The Icing Agency and cultural website Polaroids & Polar Bears, the event … [Read more…]

Powered by Beatfreeks

Second feature for Beatfreeks this week (Equinox – A Mixed Media Festival) … I’ve just come across the organisation’s ‘Powered By’ programme which is now accepting applications. Powered By is our social incubation programme. We offer six months of support, mentoring and training, along with some financial support, to invest in young people to make their … [Read more…]