Free Apple Courses

5 Days of Apple is a series of five free hands-on workshops, seminars and demonstrations run by the New Technology Institute in Eastside. Topics covered include video editing and effects, photography, 3D model rendering and games creation. Booking is necessary as places are limited. Link via Ten4.

Gareth Courage

Gareth Courage is a Stirchley-based graphic artist who produces a downloadable PDF magazine of his work every few months entitled Viewer. The above is taken from issue 4, released today. Gareth works with found images and his own photographs and is a fan of expired film, usually loaded into the old and broken cameras. His … [Read more…]

Creative 4casts

Antonio Gould has started a series of podcasts, New Media 4casts, for the Channel 4 4talent site exploring how creatives can use new media techniques and technologies effectively. Two shows are online so far on selling online and building a website and he’ll be covering the music and film industries soon. Here’s the RSS feed … [Read more…]

Notion Studio

My attention is drawn to Notion Studio, a multimedia production house based at UCE, thanks to a article on the Adobe site spotlighting their music video for Shimm1 in which the buildings of Birmingham transform into giant speakers. Specialising in high definition video, DVD production and 2D/3D animation, Notion is one of a cluster of … [Read more…]

Birmingham – the new-media centre?

On the back of the BBC moving more of it’s traditional broadcasting to the North West leaving Birmingham as a “broadcasting backwater” The Stirrer has some interesting speculation about what might come next. “Our sources suggest that later this month (probably at a media conference in Oxford on January 18) the chief executive of Ofcom, … [Read more…]

Midlands Comics Collective anthology

MC² is a new comics anthology from The Midlands Comics Collective that was published in November. The MCC is “a group of aspiring artists, writers and other such deviants based in and around Birmingham UK, all of whom are aiming to break into the comics industry – by force if necessary.” Also of note is … [Read more…]