
Stereographic is a new design house run by Sam Underwood and George Benson that’s moving to Birmingham soon having run a company called Elektonika in Nottingham for seven years. They’re currently looking to connect with Birmingham’s design community (so the Plus+ festival should come in handy) and are building up a portfolio of small low-cost … [Read more…]


Jazz Thrash Assassin are getting a lot of mentions on this blog at the moment. That’s because they’re doing interesting stuff and relentlessly telling me about it. So here’s news of their new CD, Eclecticore, featuring cover art from Matt Robinson aka Jinpow and designed by local outfit Psicon Lab. The CD will be available … [Read more…]

Viewer Five

Gareth Courage’s Viewer Magazine reaches issue five. It’s a free PDF download of his recent work. Here’s a direct link. Are there any PDF publishers in the city I should know about?

TAK’s Tallis Shorts

As part of their ongoing work with Thomas Tallis school TAK have launched Tallis Shorts, a video / audio showcasing site for the pupil’s work. So yeah, it’s another Flash video hosting site. Yawn-tastic. But go have a look at it. More importantly, go use it. I’m no fan of fancy Flash interfaces but this … [Read more…]

Sian Hindle

Yesterday I popped along to St Chad’s Cathedral, which is a very interesting building so I’d recommend you follow that link. I was there to meet Sian Hindle, a jewellery designer who was taking part in the Architectural Jewellery and Conceptual Design strand of New Generation Arts and Architecture Week. This project, curated by Susan … [Read more…]

That Logo

Possibly the biggest indictment of the new Olympics logo is that 48 hours after the launch it’s already a tired cliche to moan about how bloody awful it is, but as I watched the ripples of disgust spread across the interwebs one thing struck me again and again. This logo is representing Britain. It’s telling … [Read more…]

Perfectly Formed

Perfectly Formed, the Spring / Summer anthology from Birmingham Words is available to download from their site. The criteria for this issue was stories (no poetry) under 300 words and features the work of Ann Alexander, Robert Ronsson, Frances Gapper, Emily Eatwell, Tina Freeth and John Welch. You can download all their issues from here. … [Read more…]