Dance Festival in May

[Update: The website has been updated so most of the links below are broken.] The big press release of the day appears to be for the International Dance Festival Birmingham coming out of DanceXchange and the Hippodrome with events happening at the Rep, Town Hall, Ikon and the Mailbox from 28th April to 24th May. … [Read more…]

Written on the Body vids

Over on Leon Trimble’s Chromatouch blog (which I didn’t know he was running until now – bad Leon) he’s posted a couple of videos related to the Written on the Body work he and Lisa Wetton did for the Thinktank’s Planetarium last year. First up is a documentary made by Julia Griffin: There’s also a … [Read more…]

Hippodrome had a good year

Grimley of The Post reports on a good year for the Birmingham Hippodrome which sees them with money in the bank to spend – apparently a rare thing in the theatre business. Their future strategy is also outlined and seems to be heavy on the dance bringing in more international companies to complement the BRB … [Read more…]

International Dance Festival announced

Audiences Central has a big press release for a new International Dance Festival taking place in Birmingham between 28 April and 24 May 2008. It will bring outstanding dance from across the globe, showcasing the work of world-renowned dance companies including Kirov Ballet and Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, alongside specially choreographed commissions and … [Read more…]

Flamenco Fest starts

The Emocion Flamenco festival starts tonight with “three nights of world-class flamenco at Birmingham Town Hall”. Organised by Rich Hadley and Ana Garcia who have been pushing the flamenco agenda in this city with great passion. The highlight, as I understand it, is the Saturday performance by Los Arrieritos of 13 Rosas, a much celebrated … [Read more…]

BRB wins award

Congrats to the Birmingham Royal Ballet who won the Outstanding Achievement In Dance Award from the Theartical Management Association for their Stravinksy! season earlier in the year. More info and quotes at The Stirrer.

Written on the Body reviewed

Rich Batsford blogs about the Written on the Body preview last night of Leon Trimble and Lisa Wetton’s Planetarium-specific art film. It was a quite wonderful thing, playing both with the format and the technology. I was particularly impressed with Leon’s array of six CCTV cameras (five around, one up) which the dancers performed over, … [Read more…]

Dance where the stars were

Bit late notice this, but if you’re in the vicinity of Millennium Point this evening at 7pm do pop into the ThinkTank’s Planetarium for a preview screening of film maker Leon Trimble and dancer Lisa Wetton’s work in progress screen dance film Written on the Body. (There are talks at 7.00 and the film starts … [Read more…]