Flamenco Birmingham

The Flamenco Birmingham site now has details of the performances and workshops that are part of the first International Dance Festival Birmingham. Performances include The TG Collective on Saturday 3rd May and En Sus 13 on Tuesday 6th May, both at Town Hall. The site also confirms that there will be another Emoción Flamenco Festival … [Read more…]

From the Dawn of Brummie Hip hop

Continuing our trip down memory lane, and potentially starting a new series (“Nostalgia Thursday”?) here’s a video from 1985 just posted on the Surely? blog by Mark Murphy who’s not afraid to show his age. I used to spend my Sunday afternoons in the dance studios at Birmingham’s (soon to be refurbished) mac. Hip Hop … [Read more…]

BASS poster compo

Punch Records are running a competition for desginers to create an advert for this year’s BASS Festival “highlighting this year’s theme of The Four Elements of Hip Hop – BBoying, DJing, graffiti, and MCing.” There will be a cash prize of £500 and the winning design will receive huge exposure by appearing for six weeks … [Read more…]

Paul “Wechtie” Burns on the Cuts

It’s always a good thing to come across a contrary view when the prevailing opinion seems pretty unanimous, especially when that view is well thought out and comes from the grass roots. Paul Burns reckons many of the funding decisions made by the Arts Council might be correct and explains at length. Go read the … [Read more…]


Here’s a short video from the BASS Festival that took place in Birmingham in June. More about the British Art and Street Sounds shindig on the Punch Records site.