Flamenco Birmingham

Olga Pericet, Manuel Linan, Marco Flores in En Sus 13. Photo: Flamenco Birmingham

The Flamenco Birmingham site now has details of the performances and workshops that are part of the first International Dance Festival Birmingham. Performances include The TG Collective on Saturday 3rd May and En Sus 13 on Tuesday 6th May, both at Town Hall.

The site also confirms that there will be another Emoción Flamenco Festival later this year, following the success of the first festival last November. The line up and artists for this festival will be announced over the coming weeks. The site has an RSS feed (yay) so it will be easy to keep up with the news, however (note to their webmaster) I was unable to link to specific pages of interest as the site uses URL masking.

One Comment

  1. Just to add, in terms of dance, En Sus 13 take some beating – three of the best young contemporary Flamenco dancers currently performing in Spain.

    Webmaster grumbles apologies :-)

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