Charles Parker

Work on the Charles Parker archive at the Central Library was recently completed and it’s being launched (as it were) at the AGM of the Friends of the Charles Parker Archive on September 28th. All are welcome. Charles Parker was a pioneer of radio broadcasting and oral history in the 60s and 70s and did … [Read more…]

Static Caravan launch

CLUB gives notice of a “Static Caravan compilation album launch party with drinks reception at Vivid in Digbeth followed by free gig at the Rainbow featuring Micronormous and Mike in Mono, and a DJ set from doTb.” Takes place on 27th September from 8pm. Static Caravan site says Wednesday 26 September 6pm onwards so we’ll … [Read more…]

Iron Man Records

Mark Badger’s Iron Man Records blog is on something of a roll at the moment with loads of posts on the subjects surrounding his world. This one on the Music Network should be of interest.

Radio Heads

Radio Heads – a nice 4Talent feature on the practical aspects of podcasting that looks at Brumcast and specifically a one off special that featured music from Iron Man Records who report making a couple of hundred pounds worth of sales from that show. via the Iron Man blog which has a slightly different edit … [Read more…]

Brendan Hawthorne

Black Country poet Brendan Hawthorne has been writing a regular poem for The Stirrer’s poetry corner since 2006. Here’s his piece reflecting on Artsfest: Fest or Famine.

Mask Festival in Stourbridge

Audiences Central has news of the International Mask Festival taking place in Stourbridge from October 19th-27th along with some fantastic images of people in masks. Here’s my favourite: Woo! You can get a copy of the festival brochure from Audiences Central and download a PDF version.