Island wants a mural

Attention artists who like to work on a big canvas. Matt Scriven of Island Bar writes: “I would like to get a mural painted on one of the walls at island bar and wondered if you knew of any talented local artists out there who might be interested? I have a design for it already.” … [Read more…]

The Moseley graffiti wars

Remember the graffiti art behind the Jug of Ale that got daubed with anti-graffiti slogans because the artists had, allegedly, been tagging in Moseley? Here’s the full story from today’s Mail with a follow up thread on The Stirrer. In short, it was the street wardens wot dun it.

7inch September listings

7inch Cinema September listings. A bit late in the month admittedly but still packed full of goodness with lots of links to stuff going on by interesting people as seen through he 7inch filter.

Jazz Club

Birmingham Jazz are running a new monthly night, Jazz Club, at the Rainbow. Forthcoming acts include The Partisans on Oct 24th and The Mike Fletcher Quartet on Nov 28th.

Having a Laugh

Having a Laugh – another nice 4Talent piece this time surveying the stand up comedy scene Birmingham and the West Mids.

Capsule’s first release

8th October sees Capsule release their first record, Songs To and From An Iron Gut by Beestung Lips, “an unrepentantly vicious punk band fronted by a bloke who – with his preposterous ‘tache, white vest and braces – looks a bit like Freddie Mercury playing a Prohibition-era gangster and who launches stringy globs of spit … [Read more…]

ArtsFest Ticket Booth

More number from Artsfest, these ones a little less disputable. The ArtsFest Ticket Booth sold 4350 tickets with a value of over £35,000.