Supersonic 06 Videos

Chris Keenan informs on his hidden-away Prime Objective blog that he’s in the process of uploading a bunch of videos from last year’s Supersonic festival to YouTube. Nine are up so far and can be found in this account. Here’s the Modified Toy Orchestra one to be going along with.

Iron Man Brumcast

Brumcast #47 is an Iron Man Records special featuring bands who’ve released music through the 10 year old Birmingham label. Here’s the tracklisting: 1. Nightingales – Carry On Up The Ante 2. Damn Dirty Apes – Egg Eating Ants 3. P.A.I.N. – Rocking Cross De Borda 4. Dufus – A Having Party 5. Last Under … [Read more…]

Stephanie Mill

The above is scanned from a business card picked up off the counter in Jibbering Records. The art is by Stephanie Mill. I can’t find an online presence for her but her email is

The Sunday Music Show

Every week I’ll be presenting three local bands or musicians with a photo, song and, if available, video. I’m trying to keep my personal preferences out of this but often fail so suggestions for future posts are very welcome. — — — Beestung Lips Reverse Alchemy [audio:beestunglips.mp3] — — — Kramer Vs. Kramer Vs. … [Read more…]

Flickr Saturday

A regular selection from the Birmingham Flickr Community. from amortize from thornj from Matt Murtagh from harri b All copyright as applies – click on images for more details. To suggest photos for this feature add them to the best of threads or leave a link in the comment here, and please do as I … [Read more…]

Test Bed is on

A reminder that Test Bed, the multi-artist show at Five Ways, started yesterday and runs for the rest of this week. The artists comissioned for Test Bed are: Pauline Bailey, Nelson Douglas, Darryl Georgiou, Sandra Hall, Julie M O’Neil, Harry Palmer, George Saxon and Mark Storor. Each artist has been challenged to make a project, … [Read more…]

Skanking Dub Beats and Atticus of Bearwood

Skanking Dub Beats are “an independent live soundsystem” who put on gigs and such upstairs at the Bear Tavern in Bearwood of a dub / ska / punk ilk on what looks like a monthly basis. I’ve been hearing rumours about the cultural revitalization of Bearwood. Along with the Bear Tavern there’s the Atticus Bar … [Read more…]

Ensemble Interakt concert

I picked up the above flyer from Ensemble Interakt in Jibbering today and thought it worth posting here. The details in text form: New British Music with Live Electronics Monday 30 April 2007, 6pm Recital Hall, Birmingham Conservatoire tickets £3 on the door Surface Tension (flute, guitar & live electronics) Jamie Bullock Feeding the Addiction … [Read more…]