Ensemble Interakt concert

I picked up the above flyer from Ensemble Interakt in Jibbering today and thought it worth posting here. The details in text form:

New British Music with Live Electronics
Monday 30 April 2007, 6pm
Recital Hall, Birmingham Conservatoire
tickets £3 on the door

Surface Tension (flute, guitar & live electronics) Jamie Bullock
Feeding the Addiction (four piccolos) Stephen Mark Barchan
New Work (piano, percussion & video) Tom Littlewood
sevens (autoharp, sensors & live electronics) Cormac Faulkner
Piece for PowerBook and Cello Jonathan Green

I don’t generally post concert and gig details on this blog for one reason. There are far too many of them and if I draw and arbitrary line the accusations of bias and favouritism will legitimately fly. That said, if I come across something that strikes me as genuinely interesting, that appears to be doing something different, then I’ll mention it here. As good as ours are, every city has guitar bands. Not every city has a performance by “autoharp, sensors & live electronics”

Worth noting that I do post info about gigs that pass through my bias filter over on the BrumBlog and would encourage everyone else to do the same on their own blogs.