
Business Link ‘a disaster’ says the Birmingham Post. “Designed to help small to medium sized businesses step up their act, it is instead being shunned by them. Nowhere near the anticipated numbers are getting in touch, it is claimed.” I’m not sure where I got the link from but it was probably D’log who, in … [Read more…]

Kikass Opportunity

Youth charity Kikass are seeking creative submissions (virals/short film clips/animations) for What Would You Do For A Pound, over the next month, offering the best entrant contacts and work experience with top creative agencies (as well as over £2,000 of stuff like a Nintendo Wii, i-Pod Video Premiership tickets and career coaching). We’re looking for … [Read more…]

A graffiti niche

Okay, I think I’ve stumbled on a seam of activity in Birmingham that I wasn’t aware of. This happens to me a lot, as you’d imagine, but this time I’m going to keep a record as I travel through it. Let’s see where it goes! We start with a Flickr search for Custard Factory Birmingham … [Read more…]

Rhubarb Festival of the Image

The 2007 Rhubarb-Rhubarb Festival of the Image runs from 26th – 29th July and takes place in the arts location du jour Curzon Street Station on New Canal St. Welcome to rhubarb 2007 – open to photographers who have had at least one exhibition or publication in the last four years and absolutely understand the … [Read more…]

Big Roundup

After saying there was bugger all news there’s been a flood of it this last week, and I’m stupid busy right now with work and a house move. But it’s still great to see all this stuff going on. Keep throwing the info my way! This roundup is supermassive so do come back to it … [Read more…]

Large Metal Sheet evidence

There are photos by XaOS and a video Starting with the simplest of sound material — sine waves — this piece slowly builds up into a noisy, yet tactile, interactive performance piece. Video projections onto the sheet become part of the user interface which can be controlled with physical gestures. Layers of sound differing in … [Read more…]

Rootsville Collective Memory

An ongoing collation. Longer reviews The Hearing Aid B:INS Birmingham Mail Shorter posts and mentions Robin Valk B:INS Kent Davis Caroline Horn (traveling with the Zulus) Photos Mine Mr Hyde Marc Reck Caroline Horn Meta Google blog search Technorati Rootsville tag on Flickr Let me know of any more in the comments.