
  • Business Link ‘a disaster’ says the Birmingham Post. “Designed to help small to medium sized businesses step up their act, it is instead being shunned by them. Nowhere near the anticipated numbers are getting in touch, it is claimed.” I’m not sure where I got the link from but it was probably D’log who, in another post writes that “The sad and sorry Business Link brand continues to wend its way down to the inevitable scrap heap. The switch to running it via local Chambers of Commerce hasn’t been a success, so Advantage West Midlands are breaking with the “one size fits all” area-based approach and are to move to a sector-by-sector business advice service from 2007.” Business Link’s website.
  • Of interest to anyone planning to have an event in the streets, thus necessitating their closure for a period of time, comes news of the Council’s refusal to grant permission for the 30 year old Balsall Heath Carnival, meaning it has to take place on the pavements with no floats. Which is quite a sad excuse for a carnival really. Here’s hoping they do a reclaim the streets. “The Council’s change in approach towards the Street Procession could be due to the appointment of a series of Transport Managers across the country by central government about a year ago. Amongst other things they are concerned with traffic disruption and road safety.” And, doubtless, the cost of closing the roads. via UpYerBrum.
  • As part of the relaunch, Town Hall are asking for memories and memorabilia from the venue over the years. They’re having three open days when people can drop in from Thursday 26 to Saturday 28 July and they’re looking for all manner of stuff. More details, and four great photos, at the link.
  • Back to the prolific D’log, speculating on what effect the thousands of gay Poles currently fleeing persecution from their Catholic government will have on the creative industries in the UK given that, as he quotes, “gay people are considerably more likely to be involved in creative employment pursuits than straight people” and the effect this will have Poland’s own creative output. DzieÅ„ dobry, indeed!
  • The next Boost workshop at Light House in Wolverhamton sees, amongst other things, our own Andrew Dubber doing his 20 Things workshop. I might go along just for that. (And the fact that I like Light House a lot.)
  • Computer Club might sound like every other bloody guitar band out there but they have a song called Snobs about scoring at said nightclub and that’s enough to get them a mention. Ah, those wasted nights at Snobs…There’s something to have a memories and memorabilia thing for. pointer from UpYerBrum.
  • SP/ARK UP “is an exhibition and collective of work from Artist Photographers, including graduates of the University of Wolverhampton and lecturers in both Graphic Design and Photography. The collective aim is to take work out of ‘the gallery’ environment and into public spaces such as shops, cafes and offices.” Kicks off in September.
  • 383 have a blog! For a bloody long time by the looks of things and I just found it. Oops! They do design and are using their blog to shout about it. Nice stuff.