Ale Installation

Ale Installation is a show running at the MADE gallery on Fazeley St (map) until 2nd August. There’s a private view tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm. Pamela Ginn’s tribute to the real ale heritage of the region was developed in conjunction with the Festival of Xtreme Building. A mixed media installation, Ale recreates the sights, sounds … [Read more…]

Through the Viewfinder

The View Finder is the latest project to appear at the Festival of Xtreme Building site on Moor St Queensway. The View Finder is the result of a collaborative process between an architect Will Schofield of Glenn Howells, five schools and the community of Sheldon. Visitors who seek to enter the inside will discover that … [Read more…]

More Tunnel Vision

Nunovo’s reflections on Tunnel Vision On my return to the surface, I noted the standard city sounds with a sense of appreciation, hearing them as rhythmic ambient features of the sonic landscape. It’s not every day that the grind and roar of an approaching bus becomes an interesting element of installation art, or that the … [Read more…]

Clay Building Workshops

The Natural House project comes to Birmingham this week demonstrating the Clay Build Technique as part of Architecture Week. “CBT is modern, sustainable and carbon neutral technique of building houses / buildings using primary materials such as, clay, straw and water.” In other words mud huts, and you get a chance to make them at … [Read more…]

Sian Hindle

Yesterday I popped along to St Chad’s Cathedral, which is a very interesting building so I’d recommend you follow that link. I was there to meet Sian Hindle, a jewellery designer who was taking part in the Architectural Jewellery and Conceptual Design strand of New Generation Arts and Architecture Week. This project, curated by Susan … [Read more…]

Architecture Week Catalogue

Here comes another festival, hot on the heals of the last one. Keeping track of all this stuff is getting to be a full time job! Architecture Week starts on Friday 15th and runs until the 25th. There’s a load of stuff going on all over the city on the theme of How Green Is … [Read more…]