Flickr Sunday

An irregular look through the the Birmingham Flickr pool. from suselstahl from Garry Corbett from Homer Simpsons Donut from Jon Iles

4Talent bits and bobs

Cat Bray of 4Talent West Midlands sent through some links to new stuff on their site. 4Talent looks ahead to Reggae event BrumFest this Saturday with Moseley boys Jam Jah. The first in a series of 4Talent inspiration sessions podcasts going out every Wednesday for six weeks is onsite. This week we’re hearing about animation … [Read more…]

CiB Open Mic Month

I’m going away over Xmas – spending a month with family in New Zealand – which means my bloggery will suffer but quite frankly I need a holiday. I’ll still be checking in but only once or twice a week at most. Since the arts / culture / etc world slacks off big time over … [Read more…]

Bearded Recruitment

Bearded Magazine is recruiting, specifically for an Advertising Manager and Marketing Manager. All interested should follow that link.

New NME venue

BiNS picks up on the news that The NME are launching a new club in Birmingham on February 7th in a new venue called “The Place I Love”. Specific details are sketchy but it seems to be connected with The Sunflower Lounge and to be located on Allison Street in Digbeth which I note is … [Read more…]

Pub Conversations on Studio Space

[Please note: Now taking place at Vivid due to high demand] After a short break the Pub Conversations at the Lamp Tavern return on Tuesday 4th December, 7.30pm. Nikki Pugh has the details. In December, after a six month stay of execution, Birmingham Artists will lose the subsidy for their studios at Lee Bank. This … [Read more…]

Gigbeth Conference Video

Currently up on AWM’s internet television service Biztv is a short report from the Gigbeth Conference featuring vox-pops from organiser Clare Edwards, Paul Birch of Revolver Records and Dutch Van Spell of Big Help Management. The above screen grab is of the panel of six teenagers hosted by Andrew Dubber where they laughed in the … [Read more…]