Friday Fun

The relevance to the creative industries is tenuous if there at all but this has been amusing me greatly over the last week and I have to share. What do you get when you combine the phenomena of the lolcat, where humourous captions are applied to photos of cats, with the phenomena of local councilors … [Read more…]

Interview with Scott Roe

Digital Central has an interview with “band manager, label owner, promoter and magazine producer” Scott Roe of Solar Creations as part of their series of chats with music industry folks about what’s good and bad and needed in Birmingham. His summary is worth swiping I feel: Strengths * The region is extremely diverse in terms … [Read more…]

Batsford’s Naratives

Rich Batsford talks about Experimental Naratives in relation to the work that goes into structuring Project X Presents. I submitted two narratives: “Welcome, Engagement, Focus, Development, Agitation, Challenge, Excitation, Ecstacy” and “Entry, Acclimatisation, Cohesion, Inspiration, Altercation, Realisation, Transcendence”. It’ll be interesting to see where it all leads.

Gotts and Rees

Artstalking Ana reports on the current exhibition at Bearwood’s Crowd 6, a joint show between WebsterGotts and Mandy Rees. Birmingham is lucky to have new artist-led spaces putting on light and engaging show like this, it’s what really puts us on the map, so lets hope they get the support they deserve, whatever their future … [Read more…]

Art in The Vaults

The Vaults is a new bar and restaurant in the Jewellery Quarter co-owned by Russell of Clusta, but of interest to us is this sentence: The Vaults also exhibits art works from contemporary artists and photographers from across the country. via the Blink blog

Big changes at Birmingham Words

Will Buckingham, the dude behind the Birmingham Words blog, is moving on but isn’t letting the site die. It’s to be taken over by the National Academy of Writing at BCU and will be run by students studying there. Running Birmingham Words over these five years or so has been a huge amount of fun. … [Read more…]

International Dance Festival announced

Audiences Central has a big press release for a new International Dance Festival taking place in Birmingham between 28 April and 24 May 2008. It will bring outstanding dance from across the globe, showcasing the work of world-renowned dance companies including Kirov Ballet and Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, alongside specially choreographed commissions and … [Read more…]

Brilliantly Birmingham starts

The Fused kids were at the Brilliantly Birmingham launch last night and report on some stuff that caught their eyes. Brilliantly Birmingham, the annual showcase of contemporary jewelery, runs from now until January 13th with numerous events, exhibitions and fairs across the city. All the information is in this press kit or you can just … [Read more…]