Big changes at Birmingham Words

national_academy_writing.gifWill Buckingham, the dude behind the Birmingham Words blog, is moving on but isn’t letting the site die. It’s to be taken over by the National Academy of Writing at BCU and will be run by students studying there.

Running Birmingham Words over these five years or so has been a huge amount of fun. But now that we are reaching the end of this particular funding period, it seems time to take stock. As editor, webmaster and general power-behind-the-kitchen-chair at Birmingham words, I am feeling like a change of scene, both for the good of site and also because I myself am planning to move on to other (although not necessarily greater) things.

As a result, I have been in discussion with the National Academy of Writing at Birmingham City University, and they have expressed a strong interest in stepping into the breach and adopting Birmingham Words as an on-going project for students at the Academy. This would, I hope, give a new impetus to the site, and would not only secure a longer-term future for it, but would also give allow it to continue to grow and develop.

More details on the change.