Jug not closing yet

Thanks to The Stirrer for getting to the bottom of this in an interview with Jug of Ale landlady Anne Garside. In summary, a developer has made an offer but nothing has been signed. The future of the pub is uncertain as the landowner does want to sell but this has been the case for … [Read more…]

Brumcast looking for support

If you’re not already aware of it, Brumcast is a regular podcast that features music from local bands and artists. Check it out. I’ve been chatting online-style with Little Chris, the chap behind Brumcast, and the inevitable came up. “So” said Chris, “I hear you actually get paid to run your Created in Birmingham blog. … [Read more…]

Mullaney on Graffiti

While there’s something wonderfully incongruous and almost comical about watching Moseley Councilor Martin Mullaney give a mini lecture on the origins and aesthetics of graffiti art he does, through his “war on tagging”, know a fair bit about the local scene. In this video, about the Selly Oak pocket park, he talks about The Gifted … [Read more…]


Long feature on artist Kate Pemberton in Fused. Radio 4 has been trailing it’s series of Poetry Slams a lot lately. The Birmingham connection? The host is Dreadlockalien, our Poet Laureate last year. The first show is tomorrow at 11pm. More buzz about Catherine O’Flynn’s novel What Was Lost – it’s been longlisted for the … [Read more…]

Jug of Ale to close?

There’s a rumour, I repeat, a RUMOUR going around that the Jug of Ale in Moseley has been sold and will be torn down to be replaced with flats. The source of this rumour is not 100% reliable so if anyone knows anything concrete feel free to comment below. Update: Loosely confirmed by the staff … [Read more…]

Stuart Estell

I came across Stuart Estell a couple of years back when he was offering a bunch of mp3s of amusing cover versions done on a concertina (I’ll Be Your Mirror, Love Will Tear Us Apart, that sort of thing) so when I saw his name on MySpace a big bell went ting. He’s not been … [Read more…]


Peanut (aka Gaz Barnett) is a Visual Communications student at BIAD specialising in illustration and animation. He has a penchant for wresters (both Mexican and classic British) and Elvis. You can find his work on Flickr and MySpace.