Brumcast looking for support

If you’re not already aware of it, Brumcast is a regular podcast that features music from local bands and artists. Check it out.

I’ve been chatting online-style with Little Chris, the chap behind Brumcast, and the inevitable came up. “So” said Chris, “I hear you actually get paid to run your Created in Birmingham blog. How they hell did that happen?” I’m paraphrasing slightly. But yeah, I do. And I think others who do stuff like I do stuff should get paid too.

The thing is, the financial situation behind this blog came about somewhat randomly. Stef at 3form reckoned he could get some money for me to write some articles and I said, hell, for that I’ll blog for you every day. So I did. I don’t really know where the money comes from – Stef deals with that and I prefer it that way. Keeps me independent.

Chris does the same sort of thing with Brumcast, putting out a podcast every week or so. He’s up to number 65 and has gotten into a pretty professional grove. Using a rag-bag of free services his overheads are zero except for time, and time is becoming a rare commodity thanks to his having to earn a wage.

I don’t know Chris’ exact circumstances but he’s definitely in the position where he’s created something that could be very useful for the city’s music industry, something that with a bit of spit and polish on the web front, a small bit of marketing and some cash to free up his time would be a valuable asset to the city.

I’ve no idea how this might work. It could come under Digital Central’s remit maybe or perhaps someone might like to sponsor him. It’d be nice if, say, could give him a lump of cash each month and let him get on with it but that project is winding up soon, I think. I dunno the exact answer but he’s ready and willing to take this to the next level.

Contact Chris via MySpace or at brumcast [at]

Here’s a video interview with Chris from July to give you an idea of where he’s coming from:

As if by magic, Rich Batsford writes about Brumcast today.