Jug of Ale to close?

There’s a rumour, I repeat, a RUMOUR going around that the Jug of Ale in Moseley has been sold and will be torn down to be replaced with flats. The source of this rumour is not 100% reliable so if anyone knows anything concrete feel free to comment below.

Update: Loosely confirmed by the staff via local councilor Martin Mullaney on the Moseley mailing list. Expected to close in 6 weeks.

Update 2: Arthur of Catapult Club who’s been putting gigs on there for 15 years is waiting to hear something more concrete before he comments and if it’s true will put out a press release outlining his next move and the final gigs.

Thread on The Stirrer that doesn’t add any new info but has a discussion about the development of Moseley / Kings Heath.

Russ L despairs.

Update 3: Jug not closing, yet.


  1. Tom

    My first reaction is WHY? There are so many other empty buildings along Alcester Road nearby that would make excellent flats. Why would the Jug be preferable?

  2. Barnard

    Pete Aston said I made another note, this time in black marker, never to listen to Barnard again

    Well I could say the say back


  3. Nick

    Why? I just can’t understand this. One of the most famous live music venues in the Midlands. How very sad.

  4. @Chris

    In this case, yes I think. The Jug’s closure is nothing to do with daily profit and all to do with land prices, planning permissions and location.

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