Architecture Week 2007

One of the (many) categories on this blog’s sidebar that I think should have a higher number next to it is Architecture so I’m chuffed that there seems to be a flood of building related info coming my way. Today was news of Architecture Week 2007 which is being organised in the West Mids by … [Read more…]


“Are you interested in developing your animation skills? Are you over 19, unemployed and residing in Birmingham, the Black Country and Hereford & Worcestershire? Light House is offering a selection of FREE animation techniques courses throughout 2007 and 2008.” Those interested in the architectural history of Birmingham should really check out Birmingham: AAH, a relatively … [Read more…]

Fopp Award for New Music

Capsule brings us news of the Fopp Award for New Music, run by the PRS Foundation, which is currently taking applications from Central and Northern England. The Fopp Award for New Music will give up-and-coming acts a fantastic opportunity to get their material recorded, mixed, edited and mastered at a professional recording studio for free, … [Read more…]

Flair Designer Maker Fair

The Flair Designer Maker Fair at Light House in Wolverhampton on June 23rd features 40 artists and makers from the region exhibiting and selling their work, along with graduates from Wolverhampton School of Art and Design. It runs from 11am to 4pm in the covered courtyard of the Chubb Buildings. Ranging from illustration and photography … [Read more…]

Beetham Trees

From kate&drew Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Roundup are putting on a free gig at the Barfly on May 30th featuring Blakfish, 62pennies and Moneytree. While laudable I wonder how other promoters feel about a Council-funded project putting on free gigs? Strangetime have a new single, Personality Disorder, out on 24th May and a launch-gig on the 25th at the Acrtress and … [Read more…]