Architecture Week 2007

One of the (many) categories on this blog’s sidebar that I think should have a higher number next to it is Architecture so I’m chuffed that there seems to be a flood of building related info coming my way.

Today was news of Architecture Week 2007 which is being organised in the West Mids by Kevin Isaacs and Anna Cook of Fierce Earth, the same people who are running the current Fierce Festival. Running from June 15th – 24th the theme is “How Green Is Your Space?” and while there are a number of events already confirmed they’re still open to submissions from artists.

Here in the West Midlands we are focusing on themes of children and young people, and diversity, although if you have a project outside of these themes, that’s fine – we’d love to hear about it!

Can you envisage a children’s event which shows the relevance of architecture to every-day life? Could you perhaps screen a film that explores an architectural theme or organise a ‘talk and tour’ of a significant building? Are you an architect who is interested in opening your practice to the public or taking part in the RIBA Architect in the House initiative? Are you a gallery with a relevant exhibition, or a musician with an interest in sound and space? Or could you organise a cycle or boat tour to visit buildings? You could even be a photographer, designer, chef or actor who would like to join in and celebrate our built environment. We are looking for all these kinds of events and many more……

Contact details are here and it’s probably worth emphasizing this is not just open to architects and their ilk but to artists in all mediums.