No Flatpack for ’08

From the 7 Inch Cinema newsletter: We thought you should be the first to know that the Flatpack Festival will be having a year off in 2008. Regular viewers will know that the event has grown rapidly from humble beginnings into an ambitious and (dare we say it) hugely enjoyable barrage of events and screenings … [Read more…]

Wolverhampton Camera Fair

Any camera nerds who like playing with old kit should be aware the next Wolverhampton Camera Fair is on September 30th. If you’re that way inclined it’s a small slice of heaven. If you’re not then stay far far away. Nothing for you here. There’s also a (rather inactive but that can change) Flickr group.

No MAC offsite programme?

Reporting on the MAC job losses story The Stirrer finished with this nugget of information: “It had been hoped to maintain a programme off-site during rebuilding, but The Stirrer’s been told that the costs and risks associated with doing this were prohibitive.” If true (and it’s a “if”) this means the MAC will be completely … [Read more…]


I’m posting this without comment because I’m kinda speechless. In a positive way though. VTP 200 site The Stirrer is very impressed. Stirrer forum thread. BiNS is mildly sarcastic. Nothing in the mainstream press yet. A scale model will be at Millennium Point from Saturday. Wow. Just wow.