No Flatpack for ’08

From the 7 Inch Cinema newsletter:

We thought you should be the first to know that the Flatpack Festival will be having a year off in 2008. Regular viewers will know that the event has grown rapidly from humble beginnings into an ambitious and (dare we say it) hugely enjoyable barrage of events and screenings in venues across Birmingham. It remains a vital cornerstone of 7inch antics, but rather than scramble together the resources to put on Flatpack no.3 we felt that for the future health of the festival and indeed our sanity it would be wise to take a year out in order to do some long-term planning. A big thank you to all funders, contributors and punters for supporting us thus far, and do watch this space for further news…

And in other news…

In the more immediate future, we’re very happy to announce a short season of monthly events at the Hare and Hounds in Kings Heath this autumn. On the last Sundays of September, October and November you will find all manner of filmic and musical goodies in the upstairs room from 7pm, for the nominal fee of £4. As always we’re open to submissions for these events. We’re also working with Ikon gallery on a Halloween special and planning Norwich and London visits.

The first of these is on September 30th.