Binary Oppositions

Just a quick note about the Binary Oppositions launch tonight at Vivid and then the Rainbow. I’ve been picking up bits and bobs of info about this over the week and I’m starting to suspect it’s a very important project that scoops whole swathes of interesting West Mids talent and projects it into wonderful places. … [Read more…]

FXB Closing Party

The closing party for the Festival of Xtreme Building takes place this Friday at 9pm on the FXB site. A pretty low key for everyone that has been involved to see the site looking very pretty at night lit up, listen to some music and have a beer. The Ale Installation by Pam Ginn will … [Read more…]


Had this email through from Julie Brown at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at Birmingham Uni: ACRE is a major, international, 4 year research project funded under the Priority 7 ‘Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society’ within the EU Sixth Framework Programme. The project brings together partners from 13 leading research centres … [Read more…]

Custard Factory site

Well, would you look at that. The Custard Factory has a new website and it appears to be based around a blog! Who saw that coming? In fact it appears to be pretty influenced by this very blog in tone and style. Hmm… Yes, I’m running it, but I’d be a fool not to plug … [Read more…]


Russ L’s Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: October 2007 is up. As ever, you think it’s going to be a load of heavy metal and boxing and he goes and surprises you. Some good stuff that slipped past my radar in here.

Blast review

A great, evocative review of Blast was left in the comments today by “ezra”.

Bye Midwest

Nikki Pugh mentions, in an interesting little blog post, that Midwest is shutting down. Which is a shame as I’d started to rely on that website a bit. Here’s hoping something good comes from the ashes.

383 News

383 go through their recent work over the last month which, along with their continued inroads into the restaurant website market, gives us a lead into an interesting group of folks: Annamation are a storytelling company brining “spoken word, song and characterisation to bring the age-old oral tradition of storytelling into the 21st century.” One … [Read more…]