MAC stuff

As always there’s a lot of stuff going on a the MAC. Here’s a couple of things of relevance to this blog. First up is the Designer Maker Fair on the weekend of November 3rd-4th “showing the highest quality craft and design work to be seen in the region and beyond”. And, according to Birmingham … [Read more…]

BCU announced

The rather useful looking Skyscraper City forum prints the email sent out by UCE’s Vice Chancellor David Tidmarsh telling staff and students that he’s soon to be BCU’s Vice Chancellor. I won’t post the whole thing but here’s an exceprt or two that caught my eye. Through our research and consultation exercise, we have confirmed … [Read more…]

Big Screen YouTube group

The BBC Big Screen, which, after a short break, will be reconstructed in Victoria Square, is harnesing the power of YouTube in a wide search for submissions. This is your opportunity to get your film seen in the centre of Birmingham. Your film can be about anything….drama, documentary, animation, experimental, anything….as long as it is … [Read more…]