Post Culture roundup

On the plus side we’ll all be able to track the culture articles on the Birmingham Post’s website much easier when their new site launches next week. On the downside that means these links will probably be broken next week. Ah well. Here’s my picks from the last fortnight or so. A director who lets … [Read more…]

Perky Bra

Graphiquillan blogs: The idea for these button badge mock-ups came as a result of a number of experiences since I moved to Birmingham. The theme: the oddities of interpretations of place names in Birmingham derived from typos, spell-check suggestions, mispronunciations and adolescent mischief. The full set, should you want to turn them into badges yourself, … [Read more…]

links for 2008-02-25

Disablity Film Festival “Wolverhampton’s Light House Media Centre will play host to the first Disability Film festival to be held in the city from 18th – 20th April 2008” (tags: film wolverhampton events lighthouse) Spaghetti Gazetti: West Midlands Top of the Pops A list of pop-tastic classics with connections to the West Mids that are … [Read more…]

XLAB:VL Photos

Matt Murtagh’s photos from Project X Presents’ XLAB:VL are up. Lovely as ever, but shame about the irritating Flash-based gallery. On the plus side, Matt has a blog.


RobotGirl is an art project by Ana Benlloch: a series of performances where the audience interact with the character in various guises. Sometimes RobotGirl is a person trying to be an android; sometimes she lives in text; sometimes she is a doll or an animated character.

Insectoid videos

Some Insectoid videos have been brought to my attention after the recent post. Here’s a nice piece of recently uploaded glitch entitled Class: Insecta: And here’s a recording of them on the green at 2006’s Artsfest: More on the Insectoid Hive Mind channel.

Printmaking symposium recording

Over on the Ikon site there’s a 1hr45m recording of a symposium on printmaking that took place on Feb 20th. Ikon and Birmingham City University School of Art co-hosted a lively roundtable discussion about the nature of contemporary printmaking. The implications of digital technology were considered not just in terms of production, but also its … [Read more…]