Mr Elephant

Marc Reck is looking to take his project Mr Elephant Presents forward by turning it into an NFPO which I presume means Not For Profit Organisation.

Charles Parker

Work on the Charles Parker archive at the Central Library was recently completed and it’s being launched (as it were) at the AGM of the Friends of the Charles Parker Archive on September 28th. All are welcome. Charles Parker was a pioneer of radio broadcasting and oral history in the 60s and 70s and did … [Read more…]

Feel the Heat debate in Post

The Birmingham Post‘s Media page has a nice “for and against” debate today between Dave Hodgson of Marketing Birmingham and Simon Jones of the Factory Club over the merits of the Feel The Heat campaign (previously blogged here). Unfortunately it’s not on the Post’s website so I’ve scanned it in. Click on the below for … [Read more…]

So how was your Artsfest?

We’ve had the official statement declaring it a massive success on all fronts and it’d be interesting to see what those on the ground thought of Artsfest this year. I’m particularly after views from people who worked the event as artist participants, volunteers or organisers. Put your thoughts in the comments and if you’ve written … [Read more…]

Subjectivity is a wonderful thing.

Councilor Ray Hassall, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture, having decided to reprieve Artsfest for another year (quoted in The Stirrer): “The reorganisation has totally paid off, and it’s been very successful” Hassall explained. “Wherever I’ve been, it’s been packed. The question now is how do we look at adding to that? “The arts … [Read more…]

Artsfest “hailed a huge success”

A press release was issued on Sunday evening by the City Council’s Marketing and PR Team. The 10th annual Artsfest is hailed a huge success as over 200,000 people attended events and basked in the unseasonal sunshine taking in the UK’s largest free festival of its kind. The highlight of the festival was the Classical … [Read more…]

Blast Audio

I’m in two minds about posting this as it’s not really representative of the event and, to be honest, not very good quality. Basically I left my iPod+mic on the ground recording Blast last night but it couldn’t deal with the volume. Where the audio drops out, thats when it gets really loud. Still, it’s … [Read more…]