CiB’s 2000th post

Hi everyone.

It’s occurred to me that, since taking the reins again here, I’ve not really said hello. So, um… ‘hello’.

As the title reveals, this is CiB’s 2000th post, coming just a few weeks shy of the site’s 3rd birthday on 1 December (we’ve got plans for that – stay tuned). I generally prefer to keep the navel-gazing on this site to a minimum but I thought I might as well use this milestone to mention a few things.

It’s good to be back

That’s the first thing to say.

What’s going on at CiB

Yes, so I’ve taken the website over again and will be looking after the blog and everything that goes with it. Send stuff to, add us to your mailing list, etc.

Pete Ashton’s lurking in the background and will have a role in some of the other, non-editorial stuff CiB does. He’s written quite a long post about CiB’s history which hints at where the site might be going – hopefully he’ll post it sometime soonish.

How CiB’s going to pay for itself

Because there’s no reason why it shouldn’t, really:

  • Advertising – £50 a week is a bargain. Get in touch if you’d like to take advantage.
  • Supporters Programme – this is launching on Monday so I’ll leave the info on this until then
  • Projects – we’re going to start doing stuff under the CiB name. If there’s a suitable project you think we might be interested in then get in touch

I’ll write a post about this on my personal blog at some point as I’d rather not clog this site up with waffle about how online stuff sustains itself. Kittens and ‘monetisation’ – that’s all the internet is these days (grumble, etc).

More about projects

There are a few good plans in the pipeline, but if there’s anything you think we might enjoy getting involved in please do let us know. We’re thinking workshops on arts blogging, curating festival fringes, acting as a ‘media partner’ at events… have a think and let us know.


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