Woo hoo! CiB has a new look!

You may of noticed that CiB has looked a bit weird over the last week, this is because I have been tinkering with the site, removing bits and testing this lovely new theme out.

I have decided to strip alot of the features out as they were not updating properly or just not working full stop. I will be adding new bits and bobs and as I mentioned before introducing a big CiB Google Map.

I have installed a new advertising plugin which will make buying adverts on CiB easy peasy and will hopefully be non offensive to your creative eyes. I will be adding prices etc for this very soon.

So, I hope you like the new theme and please bear with me whist I tinker further to get it just right over the next week.


  1. Awesome website and blog.

    Just surfing and caught a wave that led me to this infomative whirlpool of infomation. Infomative infomation? erm, I’ve just thought, sometimes infomation isn’t infomative so, yeah, infomative infomation…

    Anyway, if you’ve got a second it’d be much appreciated if you could check out http://www.threescoblog.blogspot.com and let us know what you think.



  2. All that hard work! (I joke!)

    Nice and simple :)

    Not sure if you’ve received my tweets but you’ve lost the Microformats from the previous version and the Feedburner feed is no longer there, along with the HTML newsletter that gets sent out, and all the Geolocation header information isn’t in there either.

    Have a chat some time so I can fill you in on the hidden goodies of the previous version?

  3. Kate Spragg

    Harry – Thanks for the kind words, and yes a new banner is on it’s way, just tinkering with it at the moment.

    Joe – Please bear with me whist I sort these bits out! Dullness will be eradicated asap.

    Carl – Welcome to CiB! I am glad you have been enjoying the blog, I will take a look at yours too.

    Stef – *gulp* I hope you like the new look when it is all finished. It would be good to have a chat about updating all of those plugins and stuff as loads of them were not working so I disabled them for now. Any help would be very much appreciated. I will load a new favicon when I have made it.

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