1. The ‘congratulations’ from me goes without saying, but I think it’s absolutely wonderful that you’ve donated to Leukaemia Research in recognition of Adrian’s blog. You’re a star, Chris, and the award is thoroughly well deserved for all of the CiB team.

  2. Hi, I am a supporter and avid follower of Baldy’s Blog. I just wanted to thank you for, in your hour of victory, taking the time to mention Adrians campaign and your donation to Leukaemia research. You obviously have a huge following and it is great that you have highlighted this very important cause. To all of your readers I would like to say….please read Baldy’s blog and please support the campaign. Congratulations on your win.

  3. Happy Giraffe

    Official congratulations! Love that you’re still thinking about others (Adrian) in the midst of your victory. Good luck with the giving blood – I keep trying to give them mine and they won’t take it! Take a packet of sweets for after to keep the blood sugar levels up :)

  4. Steve Chapman

    Congratulations! Great win, not just for CiB and Birmingham, but also for honest and truthful blogging and journalism.

  5. […] This has pretty much entirely been down to Chris Unitt who has been entirely dedicated to the site for over a year and is now handing over editorial duties to Kate Spragg. Thanks also must go to fellow nominee Pete Ashton who gracefully told all and sundry to vote for CIB rather than himself. Also to everyone who facebooked, twittered and blogged about voting for us. There’s a list of heroes on this CIB post. […]

  6. Very big congrats to the CIB team, and fantasic to have the other Birmingham based blogs in the running too. I am a Welsh outsider, but have lived in Brum for a few years now and this really impacts on the sense of a creative community, something to be very proud of!
    Well done!
    Should we have a party?

  7. Congrats again to the CiB team – incoming, outgoing and historic. Prove again that solution to connect the creative industries don’t have to be heavy handed, difficult or expensive. Less is more. Keep on simpliying and connecting together in your own inimicable style!

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