Last chance to vote for CiB

Polls close at 10pm tonight so this’ll be the last time I ask here. Please clink on the link and vote Created in Birmingham for Best UK Blog in the 2008 Weblog Awards.

The 2008 Weblog Awards

It only takes a second. If you know anyone else who might give us a vote please send them a link this to this.

The support so far has been incredible and I’ve got a thank you list longer than my leg (which, if you’ve met me you’ll know is pretty long). We’re nearly there so just one last push should do it for us.

As a quick thanks in the meantime, here’s a kitty (with thanks to Amortize):



  1. Thanks all. Not counting chickens until the official announcement which should be Thursday morning.

    Still, it’s an awesome achievement by a fantastic community.

    Welcome to all the new readers too!

  2. Phill

    I see Melanie Phillip is trying to cry foul….. rather that accepting the fact that her one dimentional IDF media channel has been beaten by something that provides current refreshing variety.

    Well done!

  3. A big part of my motive for voting every day was to find out what happens afterward.

    Two possibilities come to mind. One, that the result sinks without a trace. Two, that the results are touted across the media as evidence of… I’m not sure what.

    So I’m hoping to find out that bit too. I am predicting at least two strands of interpretation.

    One is that it was a straight competition between two blogs, and looking at their similarities. (Not ignoring the others, but it’s a two-horse race when number 3 is 4,000 votes behind.) CiB and Phillips are in the same league when it comes to pulling in the votes. Nevermind what the blogs are about.

    Another interpretation is to look at the differences, and this is where I’m hoping there’ll be some discussion of the CiB phenomenon. Nevermind the votes, look at what this bunch have done, two years running. I expect that will be the focus of most media reports.

    There may be other interpretations, and I’m curious to see any of them. If there are any.

  4. Yes, excellent thoughts. I think there’s room for both interpretations in any analysis but I think there’s more mileage in the latter.

    There’s been a bit of analysis floating about the blogs and I’ll round up what I’ve spotted tomorrow when the official result comes out.

    And yes, I’m hoing this becomes more than just a little badge that sits on the site for the next year or so. I’d like a few more people to know about what Created in Birmingham is. I’m still ostensibly involved with the site for the next couple of weeks so hopefully that’s what I’m going to spend a little time doing so I can maybe leave Kate with a slightly bigger audience.

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