And it’s goodbye from me

On 1 February I’m going to stop running Created in Birmingham. It’ll be run by Kate Spragg instead.

Before I start waffling, you may care to know that the ways to get your stuff on CiB won’t change much. Email createdinbirmingham at gmail dot com or, much better, blog about it somewhere yourself (your info needs to be online somewhere to be linkable to, anyway). Or you could advertise on CiB (it’s ridiculously cheap after all).

For those that don’t know Kate, and I’m sure she’ll introduce herself soon enough, I think CiB will be safe in her hands. A while back I blogged about looking for the next CiB person with a list of ideal criteria. I reckon Kate fits the bill well.

I’ll hang around, as Pete has, as a kind of ‘blogger emeritus’ but I doubt very much that Kate will need my help and I’m really looking forward to seeing how she develops the site during her tenure.

I’ve loved running Created in Birmingham but at the same time definitely feel the need to pass it on. I’ve got other projects I want to devote my time to and, besides, I think I’m a little too settled in the role now; it’s a good time to inject some fresh impetus.

Until 1 Feb I’ll post a few more things from my current backlog and am hell-bent on CiB winning the Best UK Blog Award (although that just got a lot tougher) so expect more reminders and please vote daily until Tuesday 13 Jan. Otherwise, I’m going to start stepping back as Kate gets into the swing of things.

If you’re interested in what I’ll be up to you can follow me over at and/or on Twitter. I have a few projects I’m working on – Cquestrate, the next Film Dash, Osiris Licensing and a few other things (including Meshed Media) – but I’m always up for discussing interesting projects, especially if there’s a blogging/social media angle.

Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who has helped me, commented, introduced themselves at an event or just read something on this here blog over the past few months – I’m truly grateful to all of you.


  1. You might note that the blog award votes can be made from multiple machines, as well as every 24 hours. So there’s an opportunity for serious gamers to magnify their votes dramatically.

    It seems there are other ways to game the system, as Wonkette have apparently been systematically trashing the competition. So much so that it’s bringing the credibility of the award into question.

  2. Jon Bounds

    I do like the way that CiB has become a little like the Birmingham Creative ‘scene’ version of the Brazilian Boy-Band ‘Menudo’ — the band that has a revolving door policy for members. They leave when they get “too old” — 16! — and are instantly replaced, but the band carries on.

    Some say this is a bit like the Aztec boy-kings that were feted, lived like …erm… kings and then were sacrificed, but I just think it’s a great way to keep something fresh and true to its ideals.

    Some of the boy-bandees fade into obscurity, some go on to greater success — as I’m sure you will Chris. Unfortunately this makes you Ricky Martin.

    Welcome Kate, blog blog blog (and do come along to the Brum Bloggers meet-up next Wednesday (14th if you can and say hello. In the words of the late great Ron Pickering…

    away you go.

  3. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your words on here. It’s nearly always one of the first clicks in my RSS! I hope this won’t change with the new author. Good luck on Future projects!


    P.s) whats all this Birmingham blogger meet up stuff?

  4. Thanks for that Chris! I still think we should do a Doctor Who style regeneration video, although I am not as exciting as a new Doctor obviously. I hope to do as good a job as Chris and the rest of the authors have and I will properly introduce myself very soon. Jon – I am hoping to come along next Wed so see you then!

  5. Chris, you’ve done a really fantastic job since you took up the reins – you really tapped into the essence of CiB and, whilst keeping this up, made it your own, too. You will be missed lots, lovey.

    But, I’m very much looking forward to seeing Kate take up the baton, get her hands mucky and make it her own! This is the beauty of how it’s been handled since its creation – the fact that it doesn’t ‘belong’ to one person adds to the mix and keeps it lovely and noisy.

    Au revoir Chris, and welcome Kate!

  6. Chris, good luck and thanks for all the support of Capsule related events and Home Of Metal, always invaluable to have people take an interest.

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