Good For Nothing – Birmingham, Socks and Chocs

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This Saturday sees the second GFN gig in Birmingham, and this time they are all about pairs of socks, bars of chocs… and a singing policeman:

GFN Birmingham is all about doing good things for good people. Put simply it’s a creative hack, making great things quickly, through the combination of many talents and skills. We get together and collaborate to create useful and meaningful tools for small social enterprises and charities, whose funds and time are then better spent helping the people who really need it…. and not paying hefty marketing bills.

Our events are open to anyone, and their friends so if you are an illustrator, developer, designer, animator, art director, photographer, planner, copywriter, artist, activist, sculptor, strategist, marketeer, musketeer, thinker, tinker, sailor, soldier or spy, you will have skills that together can create magic for SocksnChocs.

We kick off Saturday morning with a tasty breakfast (on us) and a briefing from the charity you will be working for. As the beat kicks in, and we open the beers we roll up our sleeves and get stuck in to thinking, making and doing. There’ll be fast ideas, quick prototyping, speedy building, you’ll be amazed what you can do in a day. We’ll provide all you need including all the food you need to fuel your ideas, as well as some beers to keep the pace, or coffee by the bucket load if that’s your bag.

To find out more about the event this Saturday, and the cause, visit the Good For Nothing page.