Transforming the City with Mohammed Ali

Birmingham has seen a massive turn around in fortunes since its post-industrial nadir of the 1980 / 90s. Design is becoming a massive feature of the way in which the city is trying to shake off its grimy image and become a 21st century metropolis.

Mohammed Ali (not the boxer!) has been a major proponent of street art as a tool of transformation. He is a born-and-bred Brummy who has his own brand of ‘Aerosol Arabic‘ to add a dash of colour to the greys of Birmingham’s landscape. His politicised murals have caused controversy over recent years, but have undoubtedly left their impression on the communities that accommodate them.

He has also gained international acclaim following his TEDx Talk in the Vatican City State and installations in New York Melbourne, Casablanca and Dubai.

His talk is at Brainbox in the Library of Birmingham on Thursday at 5.30pm. He will present his work and ideas about how he believes bringing an alternative visual landscape to the cities we live in, is the way to deal with social ills and celebrating multi-cultural Britain.

He will also be talking about his work with the Library, access to resources and to Library’s expertise in the development of cultural engagement programmes, projects and activities.

Tickets for this event are £5 and are available via The Box.