The Event


The Event‘ at The ThinkTank at Millennium Point is an opportunity for young and youngish people to debate and decide the future of local art, heritage and culture. On Saturday 15th March, people from across the West Midlands are coming together for this free creative consultation event that empowers young people to take leadership roles.

There are loads of reasons to get involved with this. Birmingham is becoming a hub of creative collisions and this is just one example of of programmes promoting youth culture.

It is organised by Priority 5, a youth-led organisation under the Arts Connect West Midlands umbrella. The objective is to mobilise young people into getting involved in our vibrant arts and culture scene.

The day includes a Market Place hosted by the BBC, Creative Alliance, Fixers, The MAC, Live Unltd, Ikon and Arts Connect among others.

There will be a photography workshop supported by Ming De Nasty. Not-so-discreet roving camermen and photographers will be filming and producing live media content . You can release your creative juices by creating a cut-out version of the West Midlands using cardboard. And of course, representatives from cultural superpower Beatfreeks will be in attendance.

Tickets are FREE and can be found HERE.

Full flyer:
