Festival of Imagination at Selfridges Birmingham

Festival of Imagination begins Wednesday 5th February at Selfridges Birmingham.

There is a programme of events containing further information including the times/dates of the various events that will be hosted at Selfridges over the next few weeks.

If you’d like to attend any of the talks or events then you need to email FOIBirmingham@selfridges.co.uk to book a place.

Here are a few highlights, more info on the FOI website:

Lightning Talks

To kick-start the festival is Lightning Talks, a series of speakers presenting in Pecha Kucha style format; 20 slides in relation to their chosen topic of discussion, with only 20 seconds to present each one. Presenting at the first event are artists Grace Williams, Sophie Hedderwick, Jacqueline Taylor, ‘Antiquarian Horologist’ Rebecca Struthers and Director of the Dome Club, Mario Di Maggio. Titles of their chosen discussions can be seen on the events list.Lightning Talks will take place on the 13th and again on the 20th February.

Fantastic Planet

Fantastic Planet gathers film gems from Russia, Taiwan, Ireland and the USA, specially curated by Flatpack Festival.

Transforming the festivals’ ‘Imaginarium’ into a cinema, we will be screening our Fantastic Planet programme throughout the festival. Suitable for all ages, it will take you on a magic carpet ride across the globe.

Great to have a little taste of film before we get stuck into the 10th annual Flatpack Festival in March.

Extravagant Freaks and Great Cosmic Journeys

If you are looking for a little more scientific discussion, on 5th of February there will be Lucy Hawking’s ‘Imagination: Extravagant Freaks and Great Cosmic Journeys’ from 6:30pm till 7:30pm. Lucy Hawking (daughter of Stephen Hawking) comes equipped with not only a fantastic approach to explaining and exploring science, but also genuine enthusiasm that has been shared in her writing and previous talks.

The Instruments of Perception

‘The Instruments of Perception’ event lead by the Birmingham School of Architecture will take place on the 14th of February, and will allow the audience to interact with a range of extraordinary devices and structures created by students who are exploring the transformation of the Blythe Valley, as the government deliberates the HS2 train line that is likely to intersect the land.

Vivid Projects

Vivid Projects will once again be partnering with Leon Trimble, the face behind VJ Chromatouch, to present their work ‘Revolution 18/David Bowie’ which was previously shown in July 2013 as part of the Warwick Bar’s Summer Fete. They invite you to view their part-disco, part-documentary, multi-projection, surround-sound installation.

Outside the Imaginarium

An ongoing screening of videos outside the Imaginarium will be featuring work by the following artists whose work plays with the boundaries and aesthetics of performance and film:

  • Beth Derbyshire: The Keepers, 2013. The Keepers is a series of films that follow a group of people making a journey through different landscapes. Visually striking, The Keepers takes us on a journey through different regions, embracing themes of human, mineral and natural energy.
  • Antonio Roberts and Axel Debeul: Magnetophon, 2013. Magnetophon is a remake of the audiovisual performance by hellocatfood and Axel Debeul.
  • Antonio Roberts and Axel Juno: Dark, Eerie and Manic, 2013. Dark, Eerie and Manic  is an audiovisual noise collaboration.
  • Sophie Hederwick: Vitruvian Woman, 2013. Vitruvian Woman explores the proportions of the female body, based on DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man. Using the fibonacci sequence to draw a spiralling movement in lights; that encircle the form and leave behind lingering traces of colour.

With so much going on (as well as the fact that absolutely everything is free to attend!) there aren’t many reasons not to go. Take a good look through the programme and email FOIBirmingham@selfridges.co.uk to book your places.